PrintPreviewControl in C#


The PrintPreviewDialog control displays the Print Preview Dialog with all buttons and settings so the users can change their settings before a document goes to the printer. But there are circumstances when you would need to just display print preview without any buttons and options and show only the preview. This is where the PrintPreviewControl can be used. 

Creating a PrintPreviewControl
PrintPreviewControl is defined in the System.Drawing.Printing namespace. You must import this namespace before using the PrintPreviewControl class.
We can create a PrintPreviewControl by dragging the control from the Toolbox onto a Form or we can use the PrintPreviewControl class.
The following code snippet creates a PrintPreviewControl, sets it's properties and adds control to the Form by calling Controls.Add() method.
C# Code:
private PrintPreviewControl ppc;
private PrintDocument docToPrint = new PrintDocument();      

private void CreatePrintPreviewControl()
    ppc = new PrintPreviewControl();               
    ppc.Name = "PrintPreviewControl1";
    ppc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    ppc.Location = new Point(88, 80);           
    ppc.Document = docToPrint;
    ppc.Zoom = 0.25;
    ppc.Document.DocumentName = "c:\\";
    ppc.UseAntiAlias = true;

    // Add PrintPreviewControl to Form

VB.NET Code:

Private Sub CreatePrintPreviewControl()
        ppc = New PrintPreviewControl()
        ppc.Name = "PrintPreviewControl1"
        ppc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        ppc.Location = New Point(88, 80)
        ppc.Document = docToPrint
        ppc.Zoom = 0.25
        ppc.Document.DocumentName = "c:\"
        ppc.UseAntiAlias = True

        AddHandler docToPrint.PrintPage, AddressOf PrintPage

        ' Add PrintPreviewControl to Form
    End Sub
Adding the PrintDocument.PrintPage Event Handler
Remember, a PrintPreviewControl displays preview only and does not print a document. To print a document, we must implement the PrintDocument.PrintPage event handler.  The following code snippet adds a PrintDocument.PrintPage event handler and prints some text using the DrawString method of the Graphics object.
C# Code:                                                                                                                                  
// Add PrintDocument PrintPage event handler
this.docToPrint.PrintPage +=
    new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(PrintPage);

private void PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
    string text = "This text to be printed. ";
    e.Graphics.DrawString(text, new Font("Georgia", 35, FontStyle.Bold),
        Brushes.Black, 10, 10);


The PrintPreviewControl control represents the raw part of print preview of a document that is ready go to the printer. In this article, discussed about how to use a PrintPreviewControl control to display print previews of documents in Windows Forms applications.